I was broken
You cut me deep and left me open
You gave up on me
You checked out and blamed me
You didn’t protect me
I thought I gave you everything
I was loyal
I put you first
I supported you
I loved you
I motivated you
I cared for you
Most importantly, I was there for you
i fought for you
Despite your flaws, I fought for you
But you took the easy route
You left and started fresh
crazy, right?
you say you “Love” me, but where are you?
You say you can’t live without me
So I ask again, where are you?
You say you’re my friend
A friend?
Friends don’t hurt you
A friend wouldn’t cut me deep
They wouldn’t abandon me
They would never blatantly disrespect me
They wouldn’t turn away from me when I need them the most
I would be entitled to my feelings
I would be appreciated
but instead, you chose to do less
so if we’re being honest,
no, we aren’t friends
You never loved me
You were in love with the idea of me
If that isn’t the truth, then again, I ask, where are you?
I was genuine and open
Because of you, I protect my heart with everything in me
I protect my space and my energy
I forgave you, but no, no, no, we aren’t friends
You’re just an open wound