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Demanding Swift Justice **Trip to Albany**

Please join us as we travel to Albany, NY to engage in peaceful protests at The Capital. We believe that "justice delayed is justice denied". It is vital that we as a community seek swift justice for the Rochester Police Officers who killed Daniel Prude on March 23rd, 2020.

The following officers are currently enjoying a paid vacation (suspended with pay) after working our city streets for six-months despite murdering an unarmed Black man on a cold winter night: Sgt. Michael Magri, Ofc. Josiah Harris, Ofc. Paul Ricotta, Ofc. Francisco Santiago, Ofc. Andrew Specksgoor, Ofc. Troy Taladay, Ofc. Mark Vaughn.

We demand they are fired, prosecuted, and convicted immediately!

Click the link below for more information:


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