On September 16, the Democrat & Chronicle reported that someone filed a sexual harassment complaint against Superintendent Dr. Lesli Myers-Small of Rochester City School District(RCSD).
At that time, information regarding the person who filed the complaint or what happened remained a mystery. Now, our source is speaking out. According to the source, the woman behind the sexual harassment complaint is allegedly RCSD’s CFO Carleen Pierce. The source confirmed that in August Myers-Small, Pierce, and others attended a Retreat at East High School.
Allegedly, during the event, several witnesses watched in disbelief as Myers-Small touched Pierce’s breast and overheard Myers-Small complimenting Pierce’s legs. The source claimed that Pierce is a well-dressed woman and wears pumps that give the appearance of muscular legs. The source also claimed that a superior witnessed the indecent interaction between Myers-Small and Pierce. Pierce allegedly was reluctant to file a complaint but was pressured to do so.
According to RCSD’s website, Carleen Pierce was appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) on August 10, 2020, after serving as an interim CFO since 2015.
Board President Van White stated, "It has come to our attention there are some allegations made against the superintendent (Myers-Small) and we’ve retained outside counsel to investigate those allegations. The allegations are currently under investigation by the law firm Woods Oviatt Gilman.