Can AI Really Take Your Job? The Secrets and Truth About Automation and AI Stealing Your Employment

This article is the first in a series on artificial intelligence that will be published every Monday. Today's topic is about the potential impact of artificial intelligence on job losses and I hope you will find it interesting. Feel free to comment and ask questions on this topic, and if you have any suggestions for what you would like me to write about in the next article, do not hesitate to write them in the comments.
The Adoption of AI
AI adoption has surged in recent years, with studies showing that over 35% of businesses worldwide are now using AI in some form, from streamlining operations to enhancing customer experiences. It has rapidly integrated into nearly every aspect of society, revolutionizing how we work and live.
It's no surprise that many of you might have valid concerns about possibly losing your job because of it. But how justified is this fear, and is it reasonable to worry about your position?
Should we, ordinary people, embrace this new technology, or should we, like John and Sarah Connor, lead a holy war against the ominous machines intent on destroying humanity?
AI in Everyday Use
Indeed, AI is already being used in art, content writing, customer support, application coding, and many other areas. It’s also employed for healthcare and military purposes. However, if we dig deeper and analyze the situation thoroughly, we’ll realize there’s little to fear—at least for now.
As someone who uses AI daily, I can confidently assure you that machines won’t easily replace us, at least not shortly. Artificial intelligence driving drones or autonomous cars is truly remarkable and can be considered a masterpiece of engineering. AI systems like ChatGPT, image generation programs, and similar applications are something we couldn’t have even dreamed of just a few years ago. Yet, I believe, there is still significant room for improvement, and none of these programs are close to replacing humans.
A drone, a self-driving car, or a smart bomb is only as effective as the human who created it. Remove humans from the equation, and these become a pile of useless junk that cannot operate or think on their own.

The Limits of AI
AI-generated images and texts may appear flawless at first glance, but a closer analysis reveals they are riddled with imperfections and far from perfect. Their quality depends entirely on the prompt crafted by an AI prompt engineer.
As you can see, machines won’t be rebelling or taking control of weapons to annihilate us anytime soon, nor will they steal our jobs. They lack the most essential tool humans possess—the brain.
Despite all its advancements, AI has yet to replicate human-like thinking. Its entire "thought" process boils down to strictly following the commands and parameters programmed into it, with no ability to deviate even slightly.
Don’t be afraid for your job, because creativity, imagination, dreams, hopes, fears, love, and hatred are concepts entirely foreign to AI. Without these, AI remains just a machine or a tool in the hands of humans. We are still millions of times better than any advanced AI program when it comes to these qualities.
If the day ever comes when machines acquire these traits, then it will truly be time to start worrying—not just about our jobs, but about our very existence.
If you want to start looking for AI products, or you just want to buy something nice on eBay here is the link: