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Nancy Pelosi: "I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States..."

We've watched House Speaker Nancy Pelosi step on more than one set of political toes, including those of President Donald Trump. She cuts an imposing and controversial figure--Pelosi has repeatedly criticized President Trump's initiatives and style throughout his presidency, including his handling of the COVID-19 crisis. Whether you're a Trumpster or not, there's no doubt that the President has used some questionable rhetoric--notably his recent use of the term "Chinese Virus"--and is the first President ever to become known for his notorious Twitter feed, which has ruffled more than a few feathers.

Pelosi insists that President Trump's "downplay" of COVID-19 has cost thousands of lives, and adds, "As the President fiddles, people are dying." Instead, Pelosi applauds fellow Dem Joe Biden, saying, "And as we face coronavirus, Joe has been a voice of reason and resilience with a clear path to lead us out of this crisis." Pelosi paints a strong juxtaposition between President Trump's "fiddling" and Joe Biden's "voice of reason."

Pelosi went all-in, officially endorsing Joe Biden for the next President of the United States. Biden has received praise for his work as VP with former President Barack Obama and for his contributions to unprecedented initiatives such as the Affordable Care Act. Biden, known as a "drug warrior," has strong stances on criminal and punishment issues, abortion rights, universal healthcare, firearms, and homeland security. We will no doubt hear more about his plans for addressing these hot-button issues during his campaign if given the chance.

However, Joe Biden is not without controversy himself. Biden has been accused of "a checkered ethical history" and of having "a corruption problem." He has been known to engage in "shady" activity to protect the interests of his corporate donors, among other questionable dealings that are a detriment to the American Middle Class. The Jacobin says:

"The Biden family’s propensity for engaging in money-making ventures that — gee whiz, just somehow seem to constantly overlap with Biden’s political career — will make him a perfect foil to Trump. Whether it’s Biden’s son, Hunter, being hired as a lobbyist for a Delaware credit card company whose favored legislation Biden was voting for; Biden’s brother mysteriously getting hired by a mid-size construction firm shortly before it received a $1.5 billion government contract; or Hunter, again, joining the board of a corruption-tainted Ukrainian gas producer while Biden spearheaded US policy on Ukraine."

If there's one thing we know for sure, it's that there are a lot of gray areas in the treacherous world of politics; even activities that are perfectly legal are questionable at best under the right circumstances. What does Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Joe Biden say about her? What does it say about Biden? Is this a "win" for Biden, or a decision that Pelosi will come to regret? For the time being, Pelosi sticks to her guns, telling CNN, "...I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for President, a leader who is the personification of hope and courage, values authenticity and integrity."

Is he, though?

The American people surely should watch carefully, stay informed, and keep your own counsel when it comes to supporting a candidate. The most dangerous element in an election is the uninformed voter.

If you'd like to hear Pelosi's full endorsement speech, catch it here:

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