Unfortunately, protesting without a "cause" has become the new norm. The phenomenon has become a "distraction" rather than a solution for real change. A group going by the name of Justice League of Queers on Facebook, shared a video of protesters taking over the Public Safety Building. The group of mostly young white people, lined up sleeping bags and yelled "Murderers" as police officers stood by. After several minutes of screaming, pushing and clear chaos police began to move the crowd towards the exit. At one point in the video, you hear a woman state, "We can't go to jail for this, right?" Someone responds no.
My question is, is this all in the name of Daniel Prude? Or do we have a bunch of clout chasers looking to get beat down by police, just to be featured on the news? Are these people even aware of how serious this issue is?

This country is mourning the murders of countless unarmed black men and women by police. Most people want justice, but others just want to make noise. One could only wonder what motivates people to protest day after day. Allegations of “Staging” police brutality, getting paid to protest, receiving donations under false pretenses are just a few rumors spreading about the protests and the people running them. This behavior only taints a movement it doesn't help it.