On October 15, I was notified that Robin Reynolds Wilt had an issue with our story, "Protesters Hijack Public Safety Building." https://www.tocsinmag.com/post/protesters-hijack-public-safety-building-video. In the article, the following questions were raised, "My question is, is this all in the name of Daniel Prude? Or do we have a bunch of clout chasers looking to get beat down by police, just to be featured on the news?" Apparently, Robin took issue with our publication. She claimed we should have reached out to the person who published the video "for context". Did she need to reach out to the police who brutalized Daniel Prude to "get context", I'm sure none of us did. But, Wilt thought it was her duty to explain what happened. She admitted that she and others raided the Public Safety Building after police issued a “faulty/bogus” warrant. It all went down after a protest in Webster, NY. According to Wilt, her spouse was arrested in Webster while demanding Sandra Doorley take accountability for the coverup of Daniel Prude.
Wilt stated the Public Safety Building takeover was orchestrated by Free The People Roc, not Justice League of Queers (the group that shared the video). She joined protesters at the Public Safety Building to demand the immediate release of her spouse, Nick. In the video, protesters are calling RPD murderers but failed to clearly demand the release of anyone. Wilt tried to explain why the protesters chanted “murderers” and failed to mention “Free Nick”. Robin stated, “The institution is murderous. The RPD continues to employ the officers who murdered Daniel Prude.” Then goes on to say, “At times people were chanting free Nick...”
Robin Reynolds Wilt has advocated for Daniel Prude along with side Free The People Roc. In the past, the group called for the resignation of Mayor Lovely Warren. That is why it is baffling that Wilt is now praising Warren for her "compassion".
In a lengthy post, published on October 14, Wilt praised the mayor for her “decency and compassion”. But, just a few weeks ago, the “Wilts” were camped out in front of City Hall demanding Warren step down. Now, she has “compassion” for you, but none for Daniel Prude, is that correct Robin? Did you need a favor from the mayor to finally see she has “compassion” or did you believe she was never a part of the coverup of Daniel Prude's murder, you were just looking for a COME UP?

The only reason someone would be bothered by our story is simple, they are clout chasers. We know there are many people who are in this fight for all the right reasons. I salute people who are willing to risk their freedom for what they believe in, not the ones checking to see that "we can't go to jail for this...?".
The problem is, Robin Reynolds Wilt will align with anyone that will help her ATTEMPT to get elected. She has failed over and over to barely if ever make it on a ballot. So, she needs all the help she can get. Robin, I wasn't aware of your "clout chasing" now I am. Free The People Roc, I hope y'all taking notes. (#Receipts)