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Tech @ Rochester Regional Health makes insensitive comment. Should she be fired?

Updated: May 2, 2024

Is it necessary to hold healthcare workers to a higher standard? This question has sparked a heated debate on social media after an alleged Endoscopy Technician at Rochester Regional Health made an insensitive comment on Facebook.

The incident occurred on the Facebook page of 13 Wham, where the media outlet reported on a shooting incident. While some commenters expressed their prayers, others made less sympathetic remarks. One particular commenter, Katie Applegate, who claims to be an Endoscopy Technician at Rochester Regional Health, posted a cruel comment saying, "Couldn't ask for a better ending!" This comment received both support and backlash from other users.

As some commenters posted prayers, others weren't so nice. A woman under the username Katie Applegate — who claims she is an Endoscopy Technician at Rochester Regional Health posted, "Couldn't ask for a better ending!" The evil-spirited Facebook user received some support and backlash after the cruel comment. A commenter under the username Nikki Lawrence commented, "if you are going to comment things like that and work in healthcare, you may want to take your place of work down from your public profile"

According to HPSO.COM, social media can pose risks for healthcare professionals and students. Social media users should remember that professional standards apply online just as they do in any other circumstance. Two areas of concern include violations of patient privacy and confidentiality, as well as unprofessional behavior. Inappropriate postings may include patient photos, negative comments about patients, or details that could identify them. Additionally, unprofessional behavior could involve comments or photos related to alcohol or drug use, profanity, sexual content, racism, negative remarks about colleagues or employers, or threatening and harassing comments.

There are common misunderstandings about social media that contribute to unacceptable postings. Some people wrongly believe that their posts are private and accessible only by the intended recipient, that deleted content is permanently gone, that discussing patients using nicknames or room numbers is harmless, or that sharing patient information with the intended recipient is acceptable. These misunderstandings can have serious consequences.

The repercussions of unprofessional social media behavior can be significant. Complaints to professional governing boards can come from various sources, including patients and their families, employers and colleagues, friends and family, and even law enforcement agencies. Disciplinary action can range from reprimands and fines to temporary or permanent loss of licensure. Additionally, if federal or state laws are violated, there may be civil and criminal penalties.

Given these potential consequences, the question arises: should healthcare workers be held to a higher standard?


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