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Tracking COVID-19

According to a report by the Washington Post, there have been more recorded deaths from Coronavirus than there were during the terrorist attacks of 9/11. As of yesterday in a report made by the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been 2457 deaths in the Region of the Americas--484 of those in the previous 24 hours. Furthermore, there have been estimations by medical officials that the death toll in the United States could reach up to 200,000 if there is no cure, vaccination, or preventative measures taken or discovered before then.

WHO is taking some objectives in fighting back against the pandemic including interrupting transmission of the disease, optimizing the care for current COVID-19 patients, "address crucial unknowns," keeping up to date on communication of the disease, and minimizing the impact of COVID-19.

There are many preventative strategies that can be taken against Coronavirus. See more information at . The main focus on restricting the flow of the virus is to ensure cooperation that these preventative strategies are being maintained. Daily reports and trackers of COVID-19 can be found at

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