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Trump Targets The Black Vote

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

President Donald Trump is attempting to hijack the Black vote in November. The foul mouth leader of the not so free world realized he needs a larger percentage of Black voters to seal a win.

Now, he is mapping out a plan to defeat Biden by coming up with his very own Black agenda.

On September 25, Trump unveiled the Black Economic Empowerment "Platinum Plan,” to compete against Joe Biden’s, Lift Every Voice: The Biden plan for Black America.

As the two men battle it out over the White House, it is important to breakdown their agendas, starting with the titles to truly understand their plans.

Joe Biden’s title for his agenda reads like an old negro spiritual filled with hope and depression. Followed by a playlist of “A Change is Gonna Come”. The out of touch presidential hopeful may have a limited number of youth on his team, or a bunch of people completely disconnected from the Black community. However, the plan lists some of the following benefits:

  • Advance the economic mobility of African Americans and close the racial wealth and income gaps.

  • Expand access to high-quality education and tackle racial inequity in our education system.

  • Make far-reaching investments in ending health disparities by race.

  • Strengthen America’s commitment to justice.

  • Make the right to vote and the right to equal protection real for African Americans.

  • Address environmental justice.

Next up, Trump’s Platinum Plan has all the making of “I ain’t saying she's a gold digger” vibes. As rumors of a collaboration with Kanye to undermine the Black vote lingers, this title may confirm it. The madman who many believe isn’t leaving the White House without a fight, is catering to a younger Black audience. Trump’s plan has some of the following benefits:

  • Creating 500,000 new Black-owned businesses.

  • Increase access to capital in Black communities by almost $500 billion.

  • Advance homeownership opportunities and enhance financial literacy in the Black communities.

  • Give Black churches the ability to compete for federal resources for their community.

  • Access to better education and job training opportunities.

  • Bring better and tailored healthcare to address historic disparities.

  • An immigration policy that protects American jobs.

As the battle for Black voters becomes more lucrative, we could only wonder what magic wand either will wave to make any one of these items a reality. If Trump is re-elected he has no incentive to do any of these things because this is his last term. The only benefit could be leaving a legacy as the savior of the Black community. Many fear another term with Trump in office, could be deadly with coronavirus cases and racist supporters growing by the day.

Biden on the other hand would have more of an incentive to get things done in the first term to secure a second term. The problem is if he doesn’t have a real plan to get these items started for the Black community, coronavirus, and the growing protests taking over cities across America, the only thing that will change is the age of the man in the White House.

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