President Donald Trump recently stated he will seek to ban the sale of flavored vaping products in an effort to get young people to give up the potential dangers of e-cigarettes.
"It's causing a lot of problems and we're going to have to do something about it," Trump said after a White House meeting with health policy advisers. "There have been deaths and there have been a lot of other problems."

To date, there have been six deaths from vaping in the United States with approximately 450 people hospitalized with various pulmonary problems bought about by the use of E-cigarettes.
Compare these numbers to the statistics on gun violence in the United States that Trump and his conservative colleagues have done little to nothing about. In 2018 alone, including the carnage at the synagogue in Pittsburgh, there have been 47,220 gun-related incidents resulting in 11,984 deaths according to data compiled by Gun Violence Archive, an independent data-collection and research group.

These numbers break down to 157 incidents and 40 deaths a day and do not include 22,000 suicides. Of the total fatalities, 548 were children, while 2,321 were teenagers.

This in turn breaks down to over 100 deaths a day by gun, a number that causes the number of deaths by vaping to pale into insignificance. Perhaps the E-cigarette industry should take a page out of the gun industry handbook on political lobbying and begin shovelling wads of money into a vaping equivalent of the NRA. #gunviolence #deadchildren #kidsdeserveit #massshootings