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Why Are Men Portrayed As Dummies In Many TV Commercials?

Who are the brainiacs behind these crappy messages?

An image of 3 dads feeding their children.
Image Credit: News Now, HLN

I was watching TV the other night and a commercial for a model of an SUV came on the screen. I am not going to mention the brand as I do not want to provide any free publicity to the company or the idiots they hired to make this garbage.

What the commercial showed was a father playing with a child in the kitchen. The child was riding a toy car. The father pushed the car backward towards a garbage pail. As the toy car came close to the pail, lights on the pail lit up indicating I presume the toy car was too close to the pail. The mother glared angrily at the father who reacted as if he was being accused of child abuse. Basically, the mother glared at the father and the father acted like a total dork in front of the child.

man behind the wheel of a car looking stupid.
Image Credit: Tarutora, Unsplash

A really, really stupid message meant to convey in this ridiculous manner that the SUV came with some sort of emergency braking system to prevent kids from being run over.

A totally moronic commercial.

The pathetic thing is there are men out there who gaze at the boob tube and suck this crap in. And women who possibly think their husband is a total moron and they need a car like that to keep the kids safe from the father.

Then you have another commercial showing a child sitting on the floor while good old dad is relaxing on an easy chair with his bare feet resting on an ottoman. The kid looks at the father’s feet and goes “Oooh, yuck. What is wrong with your toenails dad?” Dad, you see has fungus on his fucking toenails but it has to be pointed out by his kid that he has this problem. Jesus wept!

I help raise three kids from birth through to their 40s, so far, and not one of them has ever looked at my feet let alone looked that closely so they would notice fungus. Again, the man is looking like an idiot as his wife then goes into lecture mode about some crappy shit he can use to get rid of the godawful fungus. Why didn't the wife notice her husband's shitty toenails when she was sucking on his toes during a romp in the hay?

I could give more examples but you get the drift. There are so many commercials where the husband or a group of men are presented as brainless morons.

Images of a man with a megaphone shouting dumbass.
Image Credit: Abuse Ranting, Pixabay.

And, the interesting thing is all these men are white men. Try and present a black guy as a stupid moron and see how far it goes. Or a woman as a mindless ditz. What’s with this ingratiating subtle use of white men as stooges to sell crappy cars, beer, dishwashing liquid, and other assorted products?

Men have to get their brains into gear and boycott these companies that depict them as idiots. What message is it providing to children?

Hey kids, mom is really smart but dad is a total doofuss. He doesn't know how to use a washing machine, make a bed, clean a floor or wash a toilet.



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