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Former Chief La’ron Singletary Suing Mayor Lovely Warren?!
In a surprising turn of events, former Police Chief La'Ron Singletary has reportedly filed a Notice of Claim against the City of...

By: Howard Eagle It seems that here in modern-day slave-town U.S.A. (Rochester, NY), hardly anyone remembers that just seven (7) short...

"Mayor" Jose Peo, Doesn't Like Black People?
Rumors have been circulating that City Councilman Jose Peo will announce his candidacy in the 2021 mayoral election. The pint-sized loud...

The Mother of Mayor Lovely Warren Has Died
Our prayers go out to Mayor Lovely Warren and family. According to the City of Rochester, Mayor Lovely Warren's mother, Elrita "Rita"...

RCSD Class Action Lawsuit?
Is RCSD prepared for a class action lawsuit? On October 22, 13Wham reported a “shake-up in special education leadership.”...

Fair or Foul: Gene Downing Sentenced to 80 Years
My name is Gene Downing. I`m from Wash. D.C, and when I was 19 yrs. old I was charged, tried, and convicted of murder, arm robbery,...

Who is Justin Morris and why did he interrupt Mayor Lovely Warren's news conference?**Video**
Community Activist Justin Morris is being saluted by some on Facebook. Morris interrupted Mayor Lovely Warren's news conference on...

If it’s Broke, Fix it!
by Jesse Lopez I've been a victim of police brutality due to mistaken identity and racial profiling, and feel I should speak up. I offer...

Add Howard Eagle to Warren's List of Problems?
Educator and Activist Howard Eagle is piping hot at Mayor Lovely Warren. Warren received a hand-delivered proposal on October 12...

Former PAB Member Miquel Powell Calls Out New Executive Director
Former Police Accountability Board(PAB) member Miquel Powell, voiced his dissatisfaction with the group's decision to hire Conor Dwyer...

Robin Reynolds Wilt “Plays” Both Sides?
On October 15, I was notified that Robin Reynolds Wilt had an issue with our story, "Protesters Hijack Public Safety Building."...

Vincent Felder, Rachel Barnhart, Others Fight Over Money & "Illegal" Vote? **Video**
On October 13, Monroe County Legislature held a meeting that sounded more like a street fight over Zoom. Things went left when “former”...

Anna Murray Douglass Contest
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Robert J. Benz at (585) 310-4559 Local Organization Invites Youth to Create Portraits of...

Mary Lupien Involved in Daniel Prude's Coverup?
According to Democrat & Chronicle, Mary Lupien received a subpoenaed to testify in the coverup of Daniel Prude's murder investigation....

Warren Claims Innocence, Barnhart Suggest More Charges Coming?!
Mayor Lovely Warren is having a hell of a year and it is about to get worse. The nightmare started six months after the police involved...

Protesters Hijack Public Safety Building **Video**
Unfortunately, protesting without a "cause" has become the new norm. The phenomenon has become a "distraction" rather than a solution for...

Demanding Swift Justice **Trip to Albany**
Please join us as we travel to Albany, NY to engage in peaceful protests at The Capital. We believe that "justice delayed is justice...

Voting for dumb or dumber?
I only needed one more reason to strongly dislike Joe Biden, unfortunately, he gave me three. The former Vice President can’t seem to...

Defunding the Police isn't Enough!
As the community mourns the death of Daniel Prude, many questions remain. Questions like, will the police officers involved be charged?...

Mass Shooting Multiple Wounded 2 Dead **Video**
This is an extremely sad day in Rochester, NY. RPD confirmed a mass shooting during a backyard party near Pennsylvania & Goodman....

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